Wednesday, March 21, 2007

DVD Review: Dreamer: Inspired by a True Story by ME

This one's for you Mom!

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Title: Dreamer: Inspired by a True Story
Starring: Kurt Russell, Dakota Fanning, Kris Kristofferson, Elisabeth Shue, David Morse
Directed By: John Gatins
Produced By: Stacy Cohen, Bill Johnson, Ashok Amritraj
Genre: Drama and Kids/Family
Release Date: March 21st, 2006
MPAA Rating: PG for brief mild language.
Distributors: Dreamworks Home Entertainment

Ben Crane (Kurt Russell) was once a great horseman, whose gifts as a trainer, were wasted on making other men's fortunes. Sonya was once a great horse, whose promising career on the racetrack was cut short, suddenly, by a broken leg. Considered as good as dead to her owner--who also happens to be Ben's boss--Sonya is given to Ben as his severance pay, along with his walking papers. Now, it will take the unwavering faith and determination of Ben's young daughter, Cale (Dakota Fanning), to bring these two damaged souls together in a quest for a seemingly impossible goal: to win the Breeders' Cup Classic. However, the true miracle might be that, in helping this injured horse, what they are actually healing is their own family. -Yahoo! Movies

Why Dreamer you ask? Because I love my mom, that's why. She asked me to review this and I said I would. Now I wasn't quite dreading this, but the DVD sat on my player for a month before I finally sat down to watch it. I expected a cheesy feel good movie and that was pretty much what I got, except for the cheesy part. While being predictable and syrupy sweet it was still enjoyable just for the cast's performance alone.

I don't like Dakota Fanning. I think that there is something creepy about how grown up she seems. Yes, she is a phenomenal actress but she doesn't act like a kid. There was only one scene in the entire film where she acted like a kid. It was when they have just started training Sonya and Russell says that she is looking fat, and Fanning replies that that was a mean thing to say. I found out in the special features that that was an improvised line, go figure. Kurt Russell and Kris Kristofferson make the perfect father and son, they could be related in real life. Not only looks wise but in personality as well. There are a great number of familiar faces in the supporting cast including David Morse. Morse plays Palmer, Ben's old boss who is the “villain” of the movie. I use villain loosely because the guy may be a prick, but for the most part he is just doing his job. Elizabeth Shue, who I remember from Adventures In Babysitting from way back, is Ben's wife Lily. Her part is actually Ben's conscious, pointing out that Sonya was the best thing that ever happened to their family. Freddy Rodriguez plays Manolin, the jockey who had a horrible accident and need to get back up on the horse again (groan).Rounding out the cast is Luis Guzman, who is just in almost every movie made it seems, and Holmes Osbourne, who you may recognize as Donnie Darko's father Eddie in Donnie Darko. He pops up as the veterinarian.

While watching Dreamer I had forgotten that it was inspired, and not based on a true story. That threw me as the movie was pretty predictable and a little too sweet for my taste. Everything seemed to fall into place a little to perfectly until I remembered that it was “inspired by”. If you want to know more about the true story, do an Internet search on a horse named Mariah's Storm. Another great family film that appeals to adults as well as children without alienating either. Good dramatic performances from Russell, Kristofferson, and Morse and comedic relief from Rodriguez and Guizman with a little of both from Fanning.

Would I recommend it? Yes, would I see it again? Probably not.

Until we see the Rubber Duck and Snake Plissken in Convoy 2: Escape From Detroit,
keep reading.

Mitch E.

Best Lines:

Palmer: Okay... I've found my other pocket. Now you listen to me, this is your last chance. I have a certified check for $100,000... and if you take this offer I'll give your dad his job back.
Cale Crane: [Cale takes the check and looks back at her dad] Dad?
Ben Crane: If it was me I'd tell him to take his money and his empty trailer and get the hell off our farm. But... that's just me...
Cale Crane: So you're running the big colt Goliath's Boy in the classic?
Palmer: That's right. Goliath's Boy is the favorite. And when he wins the cup it'll be my fifth horse of the year.
Cale Crane: You think Goliath's Boy remembers what Sonya's butt looks like?
Palmer: Why?
Cale Crane: That's all he's gonna be seeing of her on race day.

Cale Crane: You are a great champion. When you ran the ground shook. The sky opened and mere mortals parted. Parted the way to victory. Where you will meet me in the winner's circle. Where I will lay a blanket of flowers on your back.

Manolin: Is this an orange? It looks like a painted golf ball.

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