Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Movie Review: The Incredible Hulk by ME

I may be one of the few who actually liked Ang Lee's version of the Hulk. Sure, we didn't see the Hulk until an hour in. Sure I was lost by the end, just as everyone else was. I liked the comic book transitions between scenes, even if it was over used a bit. And the Hulk himself was pretty awesome. Too bad the best fight was against a pack of ridiculous looking giant radioactive dogs, including a poodle. In a nutshell Ang added a little too much Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon to a film that should have been “HULK SMASH!” for an hour and a half or so.

Well, Louis Leterrier has fixed just about everything that needed fixing. For those not in the know, Marvel chose to “reboot” the Hulk franchise instead of doing an out and out sequel. This movie is a tale of a Bruce Banner on the run, trying to stay one step ahead of General T. “Thunderbolt” Ross, while trying to find a cure, while also trying to avoid situations that would cause him to turn into the Hulk. I swear, it's not easy being green. And to add to it, Ross has brought in Emil Blonsky and given him a “Super Soldier Serum” (Yes, it's the same stuff that creates Captain America) which makes him stronger and faster so he can get a rematch with the Hulk. Things go wrong (of course!) and Blonsky becomes The Abomination, a monster that only the Hulk has the power to deal with.

Edward Norton may be seen in the press as a prima donna with his insistence on having creative control as well as shunning all publicity for The Incredible Hulk, but I'll forgive him for that since he has helped to deliver a great Hulk film. Performance wise, he is just about perfect. All of the cast is. Liv Tyler, William Hurt, and Tim Roth all deserve a pat on the back.

I have to say that The Incredible Hulk has the best cgi since The Lord of the Rings. Ok, well, the hair on the Hulk does need a little work but watching the Hulk's muscles ripple and his hands shake as he screams his rage is something you have to see on the big screen. Gone is the pretty, artistic Hulk that Ang Lee brought us. This is a down and dirty Hulk who just wants to be left alone. And that is what really got me in The Incredible Hulk, we get to see two giant creatures beating the living crap out of each other until only one is left standing. THAT is what comic fans in general, and Hulk fans in particular, have been waiting for.

With little nods to the comics and the TV show, Hulk is an action packed slugfest peppered with feeling and comedic bits that don't go over the top. A must see for any comic or action movie fan. If Iron Man and The Incredible Hulk is what Marvel comes back with after let downs like X3, Ghost Rider, Daredevil and Electra, and with the promise of Captain America, Thor, and The Avengers on the distant horizon, then make mine Marvel!

Mitch Emerson

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