Monday, December 17, 2007

Movie Review: Enchanted by JR

Starring: Amy Adams, Julie Andrews, James Marsden, Susan Sarandon, Patrick Dempsey, Idina Menzel
Directed by: Kevin Lima
MPAA rating: PG for some scary scenes and mild innuendo
Release Date: November 21, 2007

Every Disney Princess movie is essentially the same, right? Princess to be lives in poverty, meets a prince, the next day they get married and live happily ever after. “Enchanted” begins like a typical Disney Princess movie, only there’s a hurdle to jump over to get to the “married” and the “happily ever after”. The Princess-to-be, Giselle, is hated by the Princely-Hubby-to-be’s wicked stepmother, and as she is tra-la-ing to her wedding, she is pushed down a wishing well and lands in New York City where she is no longer a cartoon and nothing is “happily ever after”.

There have been many attempts at a fractured fairy tale. Some have been hits, “The Princess Bride”, and some have been misses, “Happily N’Ever After” and “Hoodwinked”. This one is a hit out of the ballpark. The satire is pitch perfect, never dry or dated. The jokes are laugh out loud funny, not roll your eyes babyish. It makes fun of every Disney movie out there while still being the type of movie it makes fun of. It’s hysterical! My favorite cliché they make fun of is the woodland animals that help the Princess-to-be a la “Snow White” and “Cinderella”. In “Enchanted”, woodland creatures come to help Giselle whenever she calls for them by singing out the window. Only when she makes it to New York, other kinds of…animals…come to help her clean. I won’t give it away, but the audience loved it!

Most recently, Amy Adams has received a Golden Globe nomination for her performance as Giselle, and let me tell you, even though she’s going up against some heavy hitters like Marion Cottilard for “La Vie en Rose”, the nomination is well-deserved. She’s adorable as the wide-eyed, happy-go-lucky, spontaneous-song-singing Giselle. There is no doubt that she is a princess and she’s just lost. She’s a joy to watch, literally. I had a grin plastered to my face through the entire movie. Other notable cast members include James Marsden as the goofy yet charming Prince, Susan Sarandon as the wicked stepmother, Patrick Dempsey aka McDreamy as the single father who tries to help Giselle get back to wherever she’s from, Julie Andrews as the Narrator, and, my favorite, Idina Menzel (Wicked) as Patrick Dempsey’s girlfriend. What a cast! Everyone is on top of their game here and looking like they’re having the time of their lives in these roles.

The music is also excellent. For you musical lovers, there’s a great scene in which Giselle bursts into song in the middle of Central Park and gets everyone involved in a huge song and dance number. It’s so much fun! We were dancing in our seats along with them. The soundtrack is a must for every Disney fan.

If you’ve not seen “Enchanted” yet, the holidays are the perfect time to do so. Most of us are with family and that usually includes children. This movie is a great choice for children of all ages. We took my 13 year old cousin and she loved it just as much if not more than my five year old little girl. In fact, my dad liked it probably more than anyone. This movie is for everyone. I can’t wait to see it again.

4.5 out of 5 stars (because I’m biased towards musicals and Disney)
Jenny Rushing


Mitch Emerson said...

Since we don't have kids, we probably won't be seeing this one, lol.

Devon N said...

Haha, I don't have kids Mitch, and I was drug out to see it. I thought it was funny in parts, and Idina Menzel was hot, as she usually is. I was really in it to see the dragon.