Wednesday, July 25, 2007

DVD Review: Coyote Funeral by CD

Title: Coyote Funeral
Starring: Jono Young, Zach Freeman, Nikole Salas, Elizabeth Wilson
Directed By: Phelps Harmon, Jason May
Produced By: Jason May, Sherng-Lee Huang, Taten Sheridan
Genre: Drama
Release Date: June 19, 2007
MPAA Rating: NA
Distributors: Coyote Funeral Productions

When Casey Cannon sees the Texas road sign that proclaims 857 miles to El Paso, he takes it as a challenge to traverse the giant state on foot. His brother Dustin can only follow to protect him. Whether or not they make it will depend less on braving the elements than surviving each other. -IMDB.COM

This film caught my attention from the minute I read the tag line. “In a walk across Texas, the greatest distance is between two brothers” I am not entirely sure why that tag line caught me. I am glad it did though, otherwise, I would have missed a really good story.

Casey Cannon (Jono Young) is a normal loving son and brother, until he sees something “No boy should ever know about his momma”. He takes off to where ever the wind may blow him. Leaving behind his older brother, Dustin (Zach Freeman), to deal with helping out at their family ranch. Time jumps ahead a bit and Casey comes home just in time to take a trip with Dustin. They set off to head back home. Although Casey is strongly protesting going home, he stills uses the trip as an opportunity to bond a little bit and get to know his brother again. Along the way they pick up Nancy Kate (Nikole Salas) who Casey thinks is just what Dustin needs to snap out of his sadness over his woman giving him the boot.

This film started off kind of choppy, The transitioning from scene to seen in the first few minutes of the movie seemed like the editor was still trying to get a feel for this film's flow. By the time they reach the El Paso sign things begin to move more fluidly. Even though it is a drama it had a few entertaining moments in fights between the two brothers. Plus you have to love some of the terminology that Texans use.

Casey can get on your nerves at times with how brash and vocal he is on his views on life and women, but so can Dustin with his whining and pining for his ex. These two are almost the quintessential idea of brothers. Two opposites that when combined work well, that is if they can stop arguing. Through course of the movie both Dustin and Casey end up finding something inside them they didn't know was there. I love these kinds of movies, where the audience gets to grow with the character.

All in all this was a pretty good showing for an Independent film. It kept me involved and wanting to know where the story was going through the entire 87 minutes. Both myself and my wife enjoyed this film, and I will be recommending it to a few friends as well.

Visit the official Coyote Funeral Website.

Keep sending me those Indie films!
C.R. Dunham

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