Friday, February 2, 2007

Movie Review: Because I Said So by ME

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Title: Because I Said So
Starring: Diane Keaton, Mandy Moore, Gabriel Macht, Tom Everett Scott, Lauren Graham
Directed By: Michael Lehmann
Produced By: Norm Waitt, Scott Niemeyer, Paul Brooks
Genre: Comedy
Release Date: February 2nd, 2007
MPAA Rating: PG-13 for sexual content including dialogue, some mature thematic material and partial nudity.
Distributors: Universal Pictures Distribution

A well-intentioned but over-zealous mother goes on a mission to find Mister Right for her youngest and unmarried daughter. -Yahoo! Movies

Michael Lehmann directs this Lehmann (groan) of a comedy. Ok, go ahead and throw tomatoes, I deserve it. But save some for Mr. Lehman and Ms. Keaton. Between the two of them, they ruin what might have been a decent comedy. Lehmann has created a film that just doesn't work, period. Sure there are some laughs, but most of those are from crude humor and slapstick antics. Events happen that don't make much sense. Example: Keaton gets laryngitis which means that she can't stay at home and must stay with one of her three daughters. Now last I heard, laryngitis doesn't effect anything but your throat. So why do you need someone to take care of you? Oh, so you can have a scene of mother-daughter bonding? C'mon really? For a sad orgasm joke that comes out of nowhere? At least you are being honest with me. But I digress. I will attack, I mean address Keaton in the casting segment.

OK, praise first. Lauren Graham, Piper Perabo, and Tom Everett Scott do admirably well but I must mention Gabriel Macht by himself. The dude has charisma. How Mandy Moore has a hard time choosing between him and Tom Everett Scott is beyond me. The only reason I want to mention Mandy Moore (even though she is one of two main characters) is that for once, I want to see a movie with a singer turned actress where she/he doesn't sing in the freaking movie. I mean is it some unwritten law that a singer has to either perform in the movie or have a song on the soundtrack? And finally, Diane Keaton. While I have always found her slightly annoying, I can admit that I liked her in the Father of the Bride movies but that's about it. In this, I wanted to shoot her in the face with a shotgun. She is so obnoxious and meddles in her daughters business and love life so much that you don't care if things work out for her. You just want her to go away. And don't get me started on her fashion sense. I mean I'm a guy and even I think she dresses funny.

Bottom line – Skip it. Why? Because I said so.

Until I get my hands on a shotgun,
keep reading

Mitch E.

Best Lines:

Sung Mi: [to her friend, in Mandarin] Oy vey. Mom's ass is so tight, it's vacuum sealed.

Daphne Wilder: What are you gonna do with your hair? Maybe you outta button thse buttons, you look like you're asking for it.
Milly: I am asking for it!

Daphne Wilder: Is it crazy for me to want her to have one healthy relationship in her life?
Mae: Stop being a helicopter mom, you're hovering.

1 comment:

C.R.Dunham said...

I still can't believe you had to endure this film. I feel sorry for ya, but I guess when one is married one must endure alot of estrogen driven films.