Monday, February 19, 2007

DVD Review: Drop Box by CD

Title: Drop Box
Starring: David Cormican, Rachel Sehl
Directed By: Anesty & Spiros Carasoulos
Produced By: Anesty & Spiros Carasoulos
Genre: Comedy
Release Date: October 30, 2006
MPAA Rating: Unrated
Distributors: Echelon Studios

''Drop Box'' is a comedy about a spoiled pop princess (Rachel Sehl) who accidentally returns her sex tape to a local video store, then must try everything to get it back from an uncooperative clerk ( David Cormican ). Fearing that if she fails, her next big hit won't be musical.

Indie films are usually touch and go. You're never sure whether or not your going to like them. Sometimes they have a decent plot, but horrible acting. The opposite is also true, not to mention that they just aren't shot correctly. Scene for scene they seem to just drag along never really getting anywhere exciting.

With Drop Box this is is not the case. It's fairly witty and kind of believable. Especially given all the “accidentally” released sex tapes out there. The two main characters bounce nicely off each other and with all the freaks and geeks that haunt this local rental place. It is sprinkled with satire and pop cultural references.

It kind of reminded me of CLERKS in a way, but if it were centered around RST Video (respectively). Tom, the video store clerk, is played very convincingly with a certain level of disdain as well as a pinch of elitism over his customers. So much so that he started a “employee favorites” shelf simply to force people to watch horrible movies. He is the kind of guy you'd hate to run into at a store, but would love to have as a friend. The pop princess is kinda Diva-esque in the beginning, but eventually you come to like her. I personally can't blame her for being overly forceful about trying to get her tape back.

The film makers managed to do a seemingly difficult task for most; take you on a journey that shows personal growth and change of the players, as well as make the film enjoyable. To often today you see forced dialog and almost nonexistent scripting. It was a welcomed change to see a writer and director who took time to craft their film, and make it the best it could be on a barely there budget.

Some may feel the film is lacking in either depth of plot or locales, but for what this film is about I think they nailed it. Definitely worth checking out.

It's been ODD,
Chris Dunham

1 comment:

Mitch Emerson said...

We may have to watch this next time we are over.