Sunday, February 4, 2007

DVD Review: Beerfest by CD

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Title: Beerfest
Starring: Paul Soter, Erik Stolhanske, Steve Lemme, Kevin Heffernan, Jay Chandrasekhar
Directed by: Jay Chandrasekhar
Produced by: Michael Beugg, Thomas Tull, William Fay
Genre: Comedy
Release Date: 2006
MPAA Rating: R for pervasive crude and sexual content, language, nudity and substance abuse
Distributor: Warner Bros. Pictures Distribution

When American brothers Todd and Jan Wolfhouse travel to Germany to spread their grandfather's ashes at Oktoberfest, they stumble upon a super-secret, centuries old, underground beer games competition--"Beerfest," the secret Olympics of beer drinking. The brothers receive a less than warm welcome from their German cousins, the Von Wolfhausens, who humiliate Todd and Jan, slander their relatives, and finally cast them out of the event. Vowing to return in a year to defend their country and their family's honor, the Wolfhouse boys assemble a ragtag dream team of beer drinkers and gamers: Barry Badrinath, the consummate skills player with a dark past; Phil Krundle (aka Landfill), a one-man chugging machine; and Charlie "Fink" Finklestein, the lab tech with a PhD in 'All Things Beer'. This Magnificent Five train relentlessly, using their hearts, minds and livers to drink faster, smarter and harder than they ever have before. But first they must battle their own demons--as well as a bunch of big, blond, German jerks who want to destroy the team before they can even make it back to Munich. -Yahoo! Movies

Broken Lizard is back and better than ever. After the success of Super Troopers it was sad to see them fall off a bit with the abysmally lack luster Puddle Cruiser and Club Dread. It is nice to see them going back to their roots of just letting the comedy flow naturally. This movie is for those who want a good laugh and most certainly for the drunk buddies we all have. The T&A lovers will be pleased as there is is an abundance of nudity...even in the deleted scenes.

Which leads me to the Special Features. The normal commentary tracks and deleted scenes are present, but two interesting featurettes were Party Foul and Beer 101. Party Foul is a description of what exactly a Party Foul is and a few stories from the BL guys of their own Party Fouls. Beer 101 gives a lesson in the History of beer, where even I learned something. The saying mind your P's and Q's came from Pubs where the bartender in order to stall out a fight before it got started would holler out “Mind your pints and quarts!”. And, incidentally, one of the characters names, Schniedelwichsen, is a combination of two vulgar German words meaning c*ck jerking. Go figure.

All I have to say is that just when you think that the boys are down and out remember “Their not that drunk!”

It's been odd,

Chris Dunham

Best Lines:

Steve "Fink" Finklestein: Drunken recall. I gave my subjects massive quantities of alcohol and then I taught them things while they were blacked out. When they woke up the next morning, they couldn't remember anything. But when I got them drunk again, they remembered everything that I taught them the night before. I got it published.
Landfill: Where?
Steve "Fink" Finklestein: In Maxim Magazine under the tile of "E=MC Hammered".

Barry Badrinath: I was in Thailand playing ping-pong in Ding-Dang. A high stakes game in some Opium den. Turns out, these aren't the types of guys who like to lose. When I beat them, they beat me. And this is hard to say. They held me down and shoved a ping-pong paddle up my a**.
Steve "Fink" Finklestein: Ah geeze Barry! I don't know what I'd do if someone shoved a paddle-handle up my a**!
Barry Badrinath: It wasn't the handle! I've been sh***ing pancakes ever since!
Great Gam Gam: You and I are not so different Mr. Badrinath. I've had all kinds of things shoved up my a**. But I got over it!


Mitch Emerson said...

Great review. Did you rent it or buy it? If you bought we gotta get hammered and check it out.

C.R.Dunham said...

Rented, but as soon as I can I will be buying and then I am "game"