Thursday, April 5, 2007

Mad World with Odd by CD

Your's truly has been given the chance to ride the internet airwaves.

I am now the newest family member of the Phonetic Bells network. Listen to Mad World.

My own radio show where you can listen to me yak and rant about things that make most people go...WTF!?

I love shoot me an e-mail at Give me some mail.
And check out topics at Madworld on Myspace.
Topics will range from everything to nothing. Sometimes shows will have a poignant and conclusive meaning, other times it will be simply fluff.

Either way it will be entertaining as I drop bits of knowledge on you while making you laugh.

Also I will read mail and tell you about some of the odd and strange sites/stories and emails I have been sent or stumbled across.

Hope You'll join me

C. Dunham

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