Sunday, February 25, 2007

DVD Review: Farce Of The Penguins by CD

Title: Farce of the Penguins

Starring the voice talent of: Samuel L. Jackson, Bob Saget, Lewis Black, Christina Applegate, Monique Imes
Directed by: Bob Saget
Produced by:
Jeff Sackman, Randy Manis, Bob Saget
Release Date:
Jan 30th, 2007
Running Time: 1 hr. 20 min.
MPAA Rating: R for pervasive crude sexual content and language.
Distributors: Th!nk Film

What Happens In Antarctica... Stays in Antarctica

A mockumentary that illuminates penguin survival and mating rituals, as well as one bird's search for love while on a 70-mile trek with his hedonistic buddies -IMDB

Farce: n. A light dramatic work in which highly improbable plot situations, exaggerated characters, and often slapstick elements are used for humorous effect.

Oh what can I tell you about this film without offending the censors? Carl (Saget) and Jimmy (Black) are on the trek of life, a penguins life that is. It almost sounds like a story an old person would tell you. “I had to walk X number of miles to do Y!” Along the way they meet other penguins and they discuss the subtle ironies of life. Oh, and Samuel L. Jackson narrates....while himself and everyone else drops the F bomb like its going out of style. Another interesting fact to point out, this movie was almost a Full House reunion. Bob Saget, Dave Coulier, John Stamos, and Jodie Sweetin are all in this movie.

The comedy is crude and rude just like that which was in The Aristocrats. I love seeing films like this where comedians are let off their leashes and allowed to be as wrong as their filthy little minds allow. Although its not all fun and enjoyment, it does stall out at times. I really had no use for the penguin love song, that Carl sings to his newly met and mated girlfriend Melissa (Applegate).

Special features aren't that impressive. Some making of stuff that was a little boring, even with the gratuitous swearing. Several deleted and extended scenes, beware of GPC (the censors won't allow me to tell you what that means). Plus the typical commentary tracks again with a lot of crude language and bad jokes.

My final thoughts for this DVD?
While your waiting for it to load, you should get “loaded” yourself.

Its been ODD,

Friday, February 23, 2007

Movie Review: The Number 23 by ME

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Title: The Number 23
Starring: Jim Carrey, Virginia Madsen, Danny Huston, Rhona Mitra, Logan Lerman
Directed By: Joel Schumacher
Produced By: Mike Drake, Eli Richbourg, Brooklyn Weaver
Genre: Thriller
Release Date: February 23rd, 2007
MPAA Rating: R for violence, disturbing images, sexuality and language.
Distributors: New Line Cinema

The psychological thriller The Number 23 stars Jim Carrey as a man whose life unravels after he comes into contact with an obscure book titled The Number 23. As he reads the book, he becomes increasingly convinced that it is based on his own life. His obsession with the number 23 starts to consume him, and he begins to realize the book forecasts far graver consequences for his life than he could have ever imagined.

I used to think Joel Schumacher was a crap filmmaker after what he did to the Batman franchise. Not quite at the level of Ewe Boll, but not high on my list. And then I looked at his IMDB (Internet Movie Data Base – page and noticed that there are quite a few films that he has done that I enjoy including Lost Boys, Flatliners, Falling Down and even Phantom Of The Opera. So I will forgive him for nipplefying Batman. That being said, I was highly impressed with The Number 23. It's almost a throwback to the suspense thrillers like some of those mentioned above.

Joel Schumacher has created a dark, suspenseful thriller which isn't as supernatural as the trailers would lead you to believe. If you want complete honesty, I would call this a psychological thriller with elements of the supernatural. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed this movie. It had a good story that kept you guessing, some good camera tricks such as a scene at the beginning when Walter (Carrey) starts to read the book. The camera is continuously moving forward through each scene like chapters in the book. For some reason it just caught my eye. In actuality almost all of the “book” scenes had a noirish, dream like quality to them that really separated the fiction from Walter's real life developments.

Jim Carrey turns in a great performance here. One of his rare turns in a serious role, he plays obsessive well enough to be, well, obsessed by the number 23. He is in a downward spiral that will only end when he learns the truth and plays it accordingly. Virginia Madsen, who seems to have been a busy little beaver lately with this and The Astronaut Farmer being released on the same day, plays another supportive mother/wife who just wants to protect her family. Their son Robin, played by Logan Lerman is one of the semi-small touches that makes this movie work for me. He gets just as enthusiastic and almost as obsessed as Walter does and helps to solve the mystery.

I must say that this film has gotten some negative press but I really liked it. I will probably add this to my DVD collection if only to see how many instances of the number 23 I can notice. And yes, there are a ton of them. The number 23 (number, not the movie) has some significance in history as being regarded as a supernatural number. I'm sure you can find tons of interesting articles and what not if you are interested. Me, I just watch movies.

With an ending that really caught me by surprise, The Number 23 is an ideal movie for fans of flicks like Stay, The Sixth Sense, and Donnie Darko if not just for seeing Carrey in a serious role that he pulls off very well.

Until Carrey does Ace Ventura 3: Ace in Jurassic Park,
keep reading

Mitch E.

Movie Review: The Astronaut Farmer by ME

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Title: The Astronaut Farmer
Starring: Billy Bob Thornton, Virginia Madsen, Bruce Willis, Bruce Dern, Tim Blake Nelson
Directed By: Michael Polish
Produced By: Paula Weinstein, Len Amato, Mark Polish
Genre: Comedy, Drama
Release Date: February 23rd, 2007
MPAA Rating: PG
Distributors: Warner Independent Pictures

Dismissed from NASA's space program, former astronaut-in-training Charles Farmer (Billy Bob Thornton) pursues his lifelong dream by building his own rocket, in the Polish Brothers' family film "The Astronaut Farmer." On the eve of his launch, Farmer must battle foreclosure on his ranch and a small-town community of disbelievers, while simultaneously drawing heavy scrutiny and surveillance from the FBI, CIA, FAA and the U.S. military, all of which see him as a potential risk to civilian safety and will take the necessary steps to shut down his operation. But he remains determined to reach his goal and instill in his children the courage to pursue their own dreams, no matter the odds.

Lame title aside, The Astronaut Farmer is a pretty good movie. It is being labeled as a comedy and while having some comedic moments I feel that it is not the correct label. Plain and simple, it's a feel good movie. Not knowing what to expect I was pleasantly surprised at this tale of realizing your dreams. Michael Polish delivers a movie that doesn't tread any new ground, but then it doesn't really need to. You feel for the characters and their trials and tribulations and cheer when things go right for once.

Billy Bob Thornton plays Charles Farmer with a sincerity that almost makes you believe that this movie is possible, because let's face it, building a rocket ship in your backyard is a little hard to swallow. Helping him build the rocket (and the feeling of a real family) is his wife Audie played by Virgina Madsen. Madsen does a spectacular job as the supporting wife, even going so far as to let him rebuild it after a failed attempt that leaves him in the hospital. Rounding out the wonderfully close knit family is Max Thieriot as Shepard, the 15 year old son and Senior Flight Officer for this backyard brouhaha. Also part of the family are two daughters, who I can't seem to find any mention of, but that's ok because they are really only there to look cute. Other cast worth mentioning is Bruce Dern as Audie's father, and Bruce Willis as Farmers former CO.

The only real problem with the movie is the addition of two inept FBI agents played by Jon Gries (Uncle Rico in Napoleon Dynamite) and somebody else who isn't listed as an FBI agent so I don't know who he is. Anyways, they just seem to be in the film for comic relief which isn't needed. This film stands on it's own and doesn't need comedy for comedy's sake. Not to mention that they aren't all that funny in the first place.

My honest opinion? As good as Billy Bob and the rest of the cast are, wait for this on DVD. It is definitely worth seeing, just not on the big screen. A good family movie for families with teenagers on up.

So, until they actually let Billy Bob on a shuttle,
keep reading.

Mitch Emerson

Movie Review: Reno 911: Miami by ME

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Title: Reno 911!: Miami
Starring: Robert Ben Garant, Thomas Lennon, Niecy Nash, Mary Birdsong, Cedric Yarbrough
Directed By: Robert Ben Garant
Produced By: Robert Ben Garant, Kerri Kenney-Silver, Thomas Lennon
Genre: Comedy, Crime/Gangster and Adaptation
Release Date: February 23rd, 2007
MPAA Rating: R for sexual content, nudity, crude humor, language and drug use.
Distributors: 20th Century Fox Distribution, Paramount Pictures

The deputies of the Reno sheriff's department visit a national police convention in Miami Beach. When the convention center is bio-attacked, it's up to Reno's "finest" to save the day. -Yahoo! Movies

As I was leaving the theater I had the crazy sensation of deja vu. I could have sworn that I had seen this before, maybe even twice. When I got home I hit the most wonderful site on the Internet, The IMDB (Internet Movie Database for those who don't know) and guess what I found? I found this movie, well a slight variation of it, called Police Academy 5: Assignment: Miami Beach! OK, a bit of an exaggeration there but not much. Both movies include a group of misfits with the main difference being that Police Academy 5 actually has a plot. Reno 911! Miami has a plot so thin it looks like an old sock. Hell, the plot only rears it's ugly head in the ten minutes before sinking under the quagmire that is the movie only to rear it's head at the very end. Can you tell I'm not a fan?

Can't say too much about the regular cast, they are who they are. No big revelations or anything. Sorry guys. The only cast that stands out (and just may be the only reason to see this movie) are the cameos. I could spoil it for you but let's just say that it looks like somebody called in a few favors. If you really want to know, check out IMDB, lol.

Reno 911! : Miami is just an extended episode of the Comedy Central show without the bleeps and blurs. I wouldn't be surprised if they split this up into a three parter and aired it with the bleeps and blurs back in. If you are a fan, wait for the DVD. But if you must see this in the theater, make sure you stay past the credits. If you aren't a fan, just skip it.

Until they make Reno 911!: Iraq,
keep reading.

Mitch E.

Monday, February 19, 2007

DVD Review: Drop Box by CD

Title: Drop Box
Starring: David Cormican, Rachel Sehl
Directed By: Anesty & Spiros Carasoulos
Produced By: Anesty & Spiros Carasoulos
Genre: Comedy
Release Date: October 30, 2006
MPAA Rating: Unrated
Distributors: Echelon Studios

''Drop Box'' is a comedy about a spoiled pop princess (Rachel Sehl) who accidentally returns her sex tape to a local video store, then must try everything to get it back from an uncooperative clerk ( David Cormican ). Fearing that if she fails, her next big hit won't be musical.

Indie films are usually touch and go. You're never sure whether or not your going to like them. Sometimes they have a decent plot, but horrible acting. The opposite is also true, not to mention that they just aren't shot correctly. Scene for scene they seem to just drag along never really getting anywhere exciting.

With Drop Box this is is not the case. It's fairly witty and kind of believable. Especially given all the “accidentally” released sex tapes out there. The two main characters bounce nicely off each other and with all the freaks and geeks that haunt this local rental place. It is sprinkled with satire and pop cultural references.

It kind of reminded me of CLERKS in a way, but if it were centered around RST Video (respectively). Tom, the video store clerk, is played very convincingly with a certain level of disdain as well as a pinch of elitism over his customers. So much so that he started a “employee favorites” shelf simply to force people to watch horrible movies. He is the kind of guy you'd hate to run into at a store, but would love to have as a friend. The pop princess is kinda Diva-esque in the beginning, but eventually you come to like her. I personally can't blame her for being overly forceful about trying to get her tape back.

The film makers managed to do a seemingly difficult task for most; take you on a journey that shows personal growth and change of the players, as well as make the film enjoyable. To often today you see forced dialog and almost nonexistent scripting. It was a welcomed change to see a writer and director who took time to craft their film, and make it the best it could be on a barely there budget.

Some may feel the film is lacking in either depth of plot or locales, but for what this film is about I think they nailed it. Definitely worth checking out.

It's been ODD,
Chris Dunham

Friday, February 16, 2007

Movie Review: Ghost Rider by ME

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Title: Ghost Rider
Starring: Nicolas Cage, Wes Bentley, Eva Mendes, Matthew Long, Peter Fonda
Directed By: Mark Steven Johnson
Produced By: David S. Goyer, Stan Lee, Gary Foster
Genre: Action/Adventure, Suspense/Horror, Thriller and Adaptation
Release Date: February 16th, 2007
MPAA Rating: PG-13 for horror violence and disturbing images
Distributors: Sony Pictures Releasing

In Columbia Pictures' action adventure Ghost Rider superstar motorcycle stunt rider Johnny Blaze (Nicolas Cage) strikes a deal with the vile Mephistopheles (Peter Fonda) for the most precious of commodities, his immortal soul. Now Johnny Blaze is forever destined to ride night after night as the host to the powerful supernatural entity known as the Ghost Rider. -Official Site

The first thing you have to remember about Ghost Rider is that it is based on a comic book. The second thing you have to remember is that it's a movie based on a comic book about a guy with a flaming skull that goes around killing bad guys by staring into their eyes with his Penance Stare. The third thing you have to remember is that this was written and directed by Mark Steven Johnson, the same guy who wrote and directed Daredevil and wrote Elektra. That being said, you can now sit back and enjoy Ghost Rider for what it is. A pretty faithful adaptation of a Marvel comic that is a big improvement over Johnson's previous films. With just enough humor to keep you from thinking to hard about the fact that the main character is a flaming skeleton on a motorcycle without being too over the top or cheesy. With good action, great effects, and a stellar job by the cast, Ghost Rider won't win any academy awards, but you will be in for a wild ride.

Nicolas Cage, a long time Ghost Rider fan, has impressed even me this time around. Now I like Cage, but he is an actor that only shines in certain types of parts. His style was perfect for Raising Arizona and Lord of War, but otherwise he either thinks he is Elvis Presley or is just kind of wooden in his performances. Or at the very least one of those actors who only seems to play himself. He plays Johnny Blaze/ Ghost Rider perfectly. He gets the character and what he is about. The pairing of Nicolas Cage and Donal Logue for the first part of the film brings a feeling of camaraderie and provides some good comedic opportunities that makes the film a little more believable. Eva Mendes, the love interest/damsel in distress is a very beautiful girl, but there isn't much development to her character. Here's how it goes. Boy leaves girl, girl interviews boy 10-15 years later, boy falls for girl, girl finds out boy is a monster, girl doesn't care, girl helps boy save the world, boy leaves girl. So, with Eva, just watch the cleavage. On to the baddies. Mephistopheles, played by Peter Fonda, is appropriately creepy as the Devil for the short amount of screen time he gets. He is really only in the movie at the beginning and the end. The real villain of the story is Blackheart, played by Wes Bentley. I have only seen him in American Beauty and while my wife says he did a good job, I think he only has one expression and that is sullen. But with the makeup and cg effects he does pull off the villain. There are a few other baddies but they get dispatched pretty quickly. And how could I forget Sam Eliott? He plays Caretaker, the wise old guide and narrator who is there to tell Johnny just what in the hell is going on. Gotta love that voice.

I want to touch on the effects here. It goes without saying that they are brilliant but there are a few worth mentioning. The transformations of Johnny and his bike to and from Ghost Rider are just plain awesome. With blisters and patches of bone showing through you really feel his pain. And there is one transformation back to Johnny where you see the brow of the skull through Cages face that makes you realize that this isn't your normal comic book hero. The shots of Blackheart killing people are pretty slick as well. If you are a fan of effects then this movie is worth it for those alone.

As a comic book fan I will admit that I am slightly biased, I like any comic book movie. Ever heard of the movie Faust? No? I didn't think so. So I may overlook some of the problems with Ghost Rider but there are a few I want to point out. The story of the missing contract just barely serves to tie the movie together. I mean, you don't get a real good idea of what will happen if the bad guys win. I already mentioned the lack of some characters development and not to contradict that, but the first half of the movie seemed to go rather slow with background story and character setup, at least as far as Johnny Blaze's story goes. But when Ghost Rider does show, it's off to the races where the story seems to move along a little too fast. I think there could have been a better balance there. And where was Stan Lee?

All in all, you will either “get” what Ghost Rider is about or not. There are many different things this movie does well, but as a whole, it could have been done a little better. For you comic fans out there, let's hope there is a Spirits of Vengeance movie out there somewhere. I mean what would be better than one Ghost Rider? Three or four of 'em, right? Anyways, Ghost Rider will definitely be added to my DVD collection just for the effects.

At least Cage didn't get to be Superman.

Keep reading,
Mitch E.

Best Lines:

Caretaker: You are alright?
Johnny Blaze: Yeah, I'm good. I feel like my skull is on fire, but I'm good.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

DVD Review: Beerfest by CD

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Title: Beerfest
Starring: Paul Soter, Erik Stolhanske, Steve Lemme, Kevin Heffernan, Jay Chandrasekhar
Directed by: Jay Chandrasekhar
Produced by: Michael Beugg, Thomas Tull, William Fay
Genre: Comedy
Release Date: 2006
MPAA Rating: R for pervasive crude and sexual content, language, nudity and substance abuse
Distributor: Warner Bros. Pictures Distribution

When American brothers Todd and Jan Wolfhouse travel to Germany to spread their grandfather's ashes at Oktoberfest, they stumble upon a super-secret, centuries old, underground beer games competition--"Beerfest," the secret Olympics of beer drinking. The brothers receive a less than warm welcome from their German cousins, the Von Wolfhausens, who humiliate Todd and Jan, slander their relatives, and finally cast them out of the event. Vowing to return in a year to defend their country and their family's honor, the Wolfhouse boys assemble a ragtag dream team of beer drinkers and gamers: Barry Badrinath, the consummate skills player with a dark past; Phil Krundle (aka Landfill), a one-man chugging machine; and Charlie "Fink" Finklestein, the lab tech with a PhD in 'All Things Beer'. This Magnificent Five train relentlessly, using their hearts, minds and livers to drink faster, smarter and harder than they ever have before. But first they must battle their own demons--as well as a bunch of big, blond, German jerks who want to destroy the team before they can even make it back to Munich. -Yahoo! Movies

Broken Lizard is back and better than ever. After the success of Super Troopers it was sad to see them fall off a bit with the abysmally lack luster Puddle Cruiser and Club Dread. It is nice to see them going back to their roots of just letting the comedy flow naturally. This movie is for those who want a good laugh and most certainly for the drunk buddies we all have. The T&A lovers will be pleased as there is is an abundance of nudity...even in the deleted scenes.

Which leads me to the Special Features. The normal commentary tracks and deleted scenes are present, but two interesting featurettes were Party Foul and Beer 101. Party Foul is a description of what exactly a Party Foul is and a few stories from the BL guys of their own Party Fouls. Beer 101 gives a lesson in the History of beer, where even I learned something. The saying mind your P's and Q's came from Pubs where the bartender in order to stall out a fight before it got started would holler out “Mind your pints and quarts!”. And, incidentally, one of the characters names, Schniedelwichsen, is a combination of two vulgar German words meaning c*ck jerking. Go figure.

All I have to say is that just when you think that the boys are down and out remember “Their not that drunk!”

It's been odd,

Chris Dunham

Best Lines:

Steve "Fink" Finklestein: Drunken recall. I gave my subjects massive quantities of alcohol and then I taught them things while they were blacked out. When they woke up the next morning, they couldn't remember anything. But when I got them drunk again, they remembered everything that I taught them the night before. I got it published.
Landfill: Where?
Steve "Fink" Finklestein: In Maxim Magazine under the tile of "E=MC Hammered".

Barry Badrinath: I was in Thailand playing ping-pong in Ding-Dang. A high stakes game in some Opium den. Turns out, these aren't the types of guys who like to lose. When I beat them, they beat me. And this is hard to say. They held me down and shoved a ping-pong paddle up my a**.
Steve "Fink" Finklestein: Ah geeze Barry! I don't know what I'd do if someone shoved a paddle-handle up my a**!
Barry Badrinath: It wasn't the handle! I've been sh***ing pancakes ever since!
Great Gam Gam: You and I are not so different Mr. Badrinath. I've had all kinds of things shoved up my a**. But I got over it!

Friday, February 2, 2007

Movie Review: Because I Said So by ME

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Title: Because I Said So
Starring: Diane Keaton, Mandy Moore, Gabriel Macht, Tom Everett Scott, Lauren Graham
Directed By: Michael Lehmann
Produced By: Norm Waitt, Scott Niemeyer, Paul Brooks
Genre: Comedy
Release Date: February 2nd, 2007
MPAA Rating: PG-13 for sexual content including dialogue, some mature thematic material and partial nudity.
Distributors: Universal Pictures Distribution

A well-intentioned but over-zealous mother goes on a mission to find Mister Right for her youngest and unmarried daughter. -Yahoo! Movies

Michael Lehmann directs this Lehmann (groan) of a comedy. Ok, go ahead and throw tomatoes, I deserve it. But save some for Mr. Lehman and Ms. Keaton. Between the two of them, they ruin what might have been a decent comedy. Lehmann has created a film that just doesn't work, period. Sure there are some laughs, but most of those are from crude humor and slapstick antics. Events happen that don't make much sense. Example: Keaton gets laryngitis which means that she can't stay at home and must stay with one of her three daughters. Now last I heard, laryngitis doesn't effect anything but your throat. So why do you need someone to take care of you? Oh, so you can have a scene of mother-daughter bonding? C'mon really? For a sad orgasm joke that comes out of nowhere? At least you are being honest with me. But I digress. I will attack, I mean address Keaton in the casting segment.

OK, praise first. Lauren Graham, Piper Perabo, and Tom Everett Scott do admirably well but I must mention Gabriel Macht by himself. The dude has charisma. How Mandy Moore has a hard time choosing between him and Tom Everett Scott is beyond me. The only reason I want to mention Mandy Moore (even though she is one of two main characters) is that for once, I want to see a movie with a singer turned actress where she/he doesn't sing in the freaking movie. I mean is it some unwritten law that a singer has to either perform in the movie or have a song on the soundtrack? And finally, Diane Keaton. While I have always found her slightly annoying, I can admit that I liked her in the Father of the Bride movies but that's about it. In this, I wanted to shoot her in the face with a shotgun. She is so obnoxious and meddles in her daughters business and love life so much that you don't care if things work out for her. You just want her to go away. And don't get me started on her fashion sense. I mean I'm a guy and even I think she dresses funny.

Bottom line – Skip it. Why? Because I said so.

Until I get my hands on a shotgun,
keep reading

Mitch E.

Best Lines:

Sung Mi: [to her friend, in Mandarin] Oy vey. Mom's ass is so tight, it's vacuum sealed.

Daphne Wilder: What are you gonna do with your hair? Maybe you outta button thse buttons, you look like you're asking for it.
Milly: I am asking for it!

Daphne Wilder: Is it crazy for me to want her to have one healthy relationship in her life?
Mae: Stop being a helicopter mom, you're hovering.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

DVD Review: Amazon Women On The Moon by ME

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Title: Amazon Women On The Moon
Starring: Arsenio Hall, Michell Pfeiffer, Joe Pantoliano, David Alan Grier, B.B. King and many more
Directed By: Joe Dante, Carl Gottleib, Peter Horton, John Landis and Robert K. Weiss
Produced By: Kevin Marcy, John Landis, George Folsey Jr., Robert K. Weiss, Robb Idels
Genre: Comedy and Science Fiction/Fantasy
Release Date: 1987
MPAA Rating: R
Distributors: Universal Pictures Distribution

In this irreverent spoof of late-night television, humorous sketches mock varying forms of the media and other 1980s phenomena. Excruciatingly funny sketches include B.B. King making a public plea for "Blacks Without Soul," featuring the insipid talents of Don "No Soul" Simmons (David Alan Grier), as well as wacky spoofs of 1950s black-and-white films, including "Son of the Invisible Man," starring Ed Begley Jr. as the batty son who firmly believes he is as invisible as his father--except that everyone can see him--and "2 I.D.s," starring Rosanna Arquette and Steve Guttenberg as yuppies on a disastrous blind date. Everything from tabloid vignettes, 1950s sci-fi films, late-night porn, and infomercials are spoofed in this star-studded collection of skits. -Yahoo! Movies

Amazon Women on the Moon is an obscure comedy that is meant to be taken lightly, very lightly. So lightly you may want to indulge in an intoxicant or two before viewing. Along the vein of such classics as Airplane, The Naked Gun, Hotdog and Hamburger, AWOTM is one of the funniest spoof flicks ever. And clocking in at only 1 hour 25 minutes, it's not long enough to become tedious. I can't say too many good things about this film, yes some of the comedy is slightly dated, but not so much that it ceases to be funny. Arsenio Hall's segment has to to be one of the funniest things that I have ever seen. There really isn't much to the plot except that we are supposed to be watching a 1950's sci-fi movie with commercial breaks for hilarious products and there are even technical difficulties! Trust me, this is one funny movie if you like absurd humor. And with some of the idiotic comedies that are out there these days, this one fits right in.

With a ton of famous actors, actresses and comedians from the time, Amazon Women on the Moon is a movie that should be in any comedy fan's library. I have fond memories of seeing this on HBO as a kid and it will always have a place in my DVD collection.

Until Don finds his "soul",
keep reading

Mitch E.

Best Lines:

Apartment Victim: [Arsenio Hall has been on the receiving end of a wrong number for the same person three times in a row, and is getting frustrated] There ain't no f**kin' Thelma here! The bitch don't LIVE here!
Apartment Victim: F**k you, too, man!

B.B. King: Did you know that every 7 minutes, a black person is born in this country with no soul?

Pirate Captain: [looking at the FBI Warning on the video] Ohhh, I'm so scared.